

Use of Website

This agreement can be modified by Timothy Boardman, MD at any time and any such modification will be effective immediately upon posting. By accessing and using this website, you assent to these terms and conditions.

Medical Disclaimer

If you think you have an emergency, call 911 immediately. Communication through this website is not intended for medical purposes and any communication through links, E-mail addresses, or contact forms on this website will not result in an immediate response. This website is not designed to diagnose, treat, or aid in evaluation of medical conditions. Any communication through this website or using links and addresses contained within with the purpose of soliciting medical advise will not be returned.

Medical Content

This website does not provide medical advice.

Use of this website does not establish a doctor-patient relationship.

This website is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide telehealth services. Do not use this website to seek care in the event of an emergency. Any communication through this website does not constitute medical advice. For medical advice related to specific health questions, you should consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider directly.


You assume full responsibility for using the information on this site, and you understand and agree that Timothy Boardman, MD, is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage resulting from its use by you or any user.